There are five stages of grief that were first proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book. The stages of grief for loss are universal, experienced by people from all walks of life, across cultures and countries.
The 5 stages of grief for loss are:
1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Contrary to popular belief, the five stages do not necessarily occur in any specific order. We often move between stages before achieving a more peaceful acceptance.
So, at what emotional stage are you during this lockdown?
It is important to remember that throughout the stages, there is a common thread that stitches these together. That is the thread of hope.
As long as there is life, there is hope. As long as there is hope, there is life.
While you move from one stage to another, from denial to anger to bargaining, it is all in the pursuit of hope. Hope that keeps us going in difficult times. Hope that reassures us that everything will soon return to normal.

We will not just survive, we will overcome this pandemic. However, there is no returning to the old normal. A lot is going to change, and a new normal will surface. It’s time to look beyond and begin opening up to change.
“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus
In the true spirit of the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen let’s ensure we recognize this opportunity to voluntarily change for better lest change is imposed on us.

From a very long list of everything that will change post the COVID-19 lockdown, the following may need prioritization for better preparedness in immediate future:
1. Remote Working (WFH)
A lot has already been written on this subject and the internet is flooded with tips and tricks on how to be effective in work-from-home (WFH) during this lockdown. We need to acknowledge that this will be a key skill-set required in the immediate future to be employable that may not be just a temporary phase option. Please do refer to our blog “Working from Home 101: Our tried and tested guide to excelling from home ” for a comprehensive list of elements to attain work from home expertise.
2. Responsibility
We have all experienced a new sense of responsibility at all levels of the organization hierarchy as well as in society at large. From security staff at buildings, home delivery executives to our own children – everyone has demonstrated an increased sense of being responsible. This change is here to stay. In the post COVID-19 lockdown world, there will be a lot more remote working and increased inter-dependence, hence this spirit and a resolve to honour commitments shall be more important than ever before.
3. Innovation
From an Indian perspective “Jugaad” – will be more relevant, required and appreciated. We will have to be innovative in finding solutions and just eliminate playing the victim card from our psyche altogether to stand out and succeed in the immediate future. Care must be taken to differentiate between “Chalta hai” attitude in the name of “Jugaad” – Creativity before Capital is what will be required, not short cuts.
4. Empathy
We shall all have to play the role of HR – collectively participating in endeavours as a community will be the new normal. Silo thinking and departmental targets over larger organizational objectives will be a thing of the past. Adapting to this new normal will be a key to succeed in the post Covid-19 lockdown world.
5. Travel and Commute
Will also have a new normal and trust us, it will be a much better new normal. Major changes in terms of relocating to reduce travel and commute may now become a necessity from being a preferred state earlier. What may have been “fancy technology” yesterday will be the new norm to reduce business travel substantially. Simple act of taking a flight for business or pleasure will not only become far more expensive but also a health hazard.
6. Socializing
This may perhaps be the most changed ‘new’ in the new normal post this lockdown. The extent of change in this regard cannot be generalized and will depend on individuals socializing patterns and preferences. What is certain though is that lunches, dinners, bars, pubs, clubs, lounges, hang out places, shopping malls, cafe’s etc will not be the same at all.
While we move across different stages of grief, what will guide us to the fifth stage of acceptance is constantly striving for hope. But what is it that you are hoping to embrace? False hope ends in further grief and disappointment. Hope for a new normal, a better normal.
Are you prepared to take on the new normal?

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World will see multiple small and big changes. What we wear, where we eat, how we commute. Fancy big buildings housing multiple offices will become less relevant in short and medium terms. Personal hygiene will be much more important. Lots of old businesses will shutdown and many new will emerge. Technology will be everywhere and everyone will adopt it.