Simple Precautions if ignored or over-looked are converted to Statutory Requirements, which are then enforced and non-adherence invites Penalty. Let’s first briefly understand the three terms, by their dictionary definitions:
- Precautions: are measures taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.
- Statutory Requirements: means requirements imposed by or under an ordinance made under any act of parliament and/or any regulation or by-law of any local authority.
- Penalty: is imposed by an appropriate authority when a person has not complied with the law but has not committed any offence.

So, overlooking or ignoring simple precautions, for our own good health, like:
- Washing hands regularly,
Covering face while sneezing or coughing,
Keeping reasonable social distance in public places,
Practising good oral hygiene etc.,
led to an invisible virus converting these simple safeguards into requirements and non-adherence to some has also invited penalties, which pains one and all.
Very similar are the situations in businesses and organisations in general, even in the absence of any virus. But here what is at stake is business health.
Overlooking or ignoring simple business precautions like:
Eliminating wasteful activities
Maintaining Takt, Flow, Pull
Standard Work
Maintaining inventory and working capital thresholds
Strategic KPI management
Employee Morale
TQM etc.,
leads to these simple precautions, good practices or safeguards being converted to requirements by the management, non-adherence to which invites penalties – may not be in terms of fines but certainly as losses.
The question then arises, why are such simple precautions overlooked or ignored?
For one simple reason: that being that we as individuals fail to understand “What’s in it for me”? – We keep looking for an answer to this outside, but for our own good health and/or the health of our business or organisation, I encourage us all to look for an answer to this primary question within.
Each one of us shall have to define for oneself – What’s in it for me? To motivate oneself for any activity or endeavour.
Remember: Only because one is not sick, does not mean that he/she may be healthy.
Take Precaution. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay profitable.
Authored Article by Vineet Sethi

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